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Release ヘイズ、2014年の注目職種を発表/Jobs in 2014 - are your skills in demand?


ヘイズ、2014年の注目職種を発表/Jobs in 2014 - are your skills in demand?


【東京2014 年1月21日】人材紹介会社のヘイズ・スペシャリスト・リクルートメント・ジャパン株式会社(本社:東京都港区、リージョナル・ディレクター、ジョナサン・サンプソン、以下ヘイズ・ジャパン)は、2014年1月から3月までの採用動向予測をまとめたレポートを発表しました。これによると、2014年の採用市場は一層活発化することが期待され、中でもディストリビューション営業およびマーケティング担当者、情報セキュリティおよびリスク担当者、ビジネス・アナリスト、サプライチェーン管理の4つの分野で特に需要が高まることが予測されています。

【東京2014 年1月21日】人材紹介会社のヘイズ・スペシャリスト・リクルートメント・ジャパン株式会社(本社:東京都港区、リージョナル・ディレクター、ジョナサン・サンプソン、以下ヘイズ・ジャパン)は、2014年1月から3月までの採用動向予測をまとめたレポートを発表しました。これによると、2014年の採用市場は一層活発化することが期待され、中でもディストリビューション営業およびマーケティング担当者、情報セキュリティおよびリスク担当者、ビジネス・アナリスト、サプライチェーン管理の4つの分野で特に需要が高まることが予測されています。







ビジネスプロセス(BPR)アナリスト :企業はITをそれぞれのビジネスにあった形により近づけるための施策を進めており、企業戦略におけるITの重要性がますます高まっています。このため、各業界のビジネスプロセスやビジネス再構築の豊富な経験を持ったビジネス・アナリストの需要が高まっており、候補者にはITと業界実務の両面に対応できる専門的な知識が求められています。
プロジェクト・マネージャー :プロジェクト・マネージャーおよび設計・建築を担当する建設マネージャーの需要が急速に高まっています。これは主として日本経済全体が堅調に推移していることに加え、最近になってオフィススペースが大量に市場に投入されていることが大きな要因と考えられます。全国的に多数の不動産開発プロジェクトが進められており、中でも工業、小売、オフィス、ホスピタリティの分野で特に活発な動きが見られています。

財務計画立案・分析マネージャー(FP&A マネージャー):雇用市場が上向くにつれ、企業ではビジネスプランニング部門の強化を図ろうとしています。しかし適切なスキルを持ったバイリンガル候補者が不足しており、リーダーシップを取れる管理職クラスの候補者は特に少なくなっています。

ディストリビューション営業およびマーケティング担当者:依然として需要が高く、NISA (日本版個人貯蓄口座)の導入に伴って、今後さらに需要が高まることが予想されます。今年1月から開始されたNISAは少額投資非課税制度と呼ばれ、株や投資信託など個人の運用益や配当金が最大5年間、一定額非課税となる制度です。


ビジネス・アナリストおよびプロジェクト・マネージャー :投資銀行を除く保険業界では社内アプリケーションやインフラのアップグレードを図り、広範囲にわたるITプロジェクトを積極的に進めています。こうしたプロジェクトのほとんどは複数年に渡っており、ビジネス・アナリストやプロジェクト管理スタッフを中心に高い需要が続いています。今後、プロジェクトの進行に伴って、需要の中心はソフトウェアやインフラなど現場の技術担当者に移っていくものと見られます。
損害調査担当者: 高いスキルが求められる職種のため、ジュニアレベル、上級レベルのいずれも依然として需要が高く、能力のある候補者は常に求められています。






Tuesday, 21 January 2014

Jobs in 2014 - are your skills in demand?

Distributional Sales and Marketing, Information Security/Risk, Business Analysis and Supply Chain Management are just four of the skills in demand as we welcome a more active jobs market in 2014, says recruiting experts Hays in Japan.

According to the recruiter’s latest Hays Quarterly Hotspots list of skills in demand, there are still clearly pockets of skills shortages, most notably in financial services, sales and marketing, supply chain and IT.

“The Nikkei surged 57 per cent last year, its biggest annual advance since 1972, after Prime Minister Shinzo Abe spurred the economy with monetary and fiscal stimulus,” says Jonathan Sampson, Regional Director of Hays in Japan. “Further deregulation is expected this year and we expect more job opportunities to become available for skilled and experienced professionals.

“Labor market deregulation is a high priority for the Government and is aimed at accepting more foreign workers and encouraging an increased participation of women and elderly people in the workforce.

“Those people with high-level skills will be in particularly high demand. Such candidates are already looking to change jobs to improve their prospects and career development,” he said.

A selection of skills in demand from the Hays Quarterly Hotspots for January to March 2014 follows:

In-House Legal Counsel/Staff - Every company needs someone to handle their legal work. Companies either outsource this work to an outside counsel at a law firm or take the role in-house. In-house legal professionals include in-house legal counsel, in-house staff, or legal associates. They are in demand as they can handle all legal work for the company such as contract drafting, intellectual property rights and compliance training.

Executive Secretaries/Secretaries - These candidates are always in demand and we have a constant flow of Executive Secretary positions supporting both foreign and Japanese executives. However candidates are showing a preference to work for a foreign executive as it provides more opportunity for them to use their English language skills.

Business Process (BPR) Analysts - As information technology continues to become more business aligned and critical to an organisation’s strategy, there is an increasing need for Business Analysts with strong industry business process and re-engineering experience. These analysts have the understanding to consult from both a technical and practical perspective.
Project Managers - We are seeing a rapidly increasing demand for project and construction management, design and architecture roles. This is largely driven by two distinct factors; the overall health of the Japanese economy and the amount of office space which has come online recently. We are seeing an increasing number of developments in Japan across all properties but especially industrial, retail, office and hospitality.

FP&A Managers - As the jobs market has picked up, companies are looking to expand the business planning side of their operations. However, there is a shortage of bilingual candidates with the right skills in the market. This is especially true at the managerial level as candidates must have leadership skills.

Distributional Sales and Marketing professionals - This is still a hot area and professionals in this space will continue to be in demand mainly due to the introduction of the NISA (Nippon Individual Savings Account). Starting in January, individuals who invest in stocks and investment trusts in a NISA will be eligible for tax exemptions of up to five years on their financial gains.

Medical Device Sales Representatives - With the constant growth of the medical industry in Japan, medical device manufacturers and distributors are expanding their markets and new devices are being launched every year. Medical device sales representatives put products on the market, sell products to Doctors and teach them surgical techniques. Therefore their sales activities are essential for generating revenue for companies.

Information Security/Risk - These roles at mid-to-senior levels are in high demand currently as financial services firms try to use final headcounts from 2013 to strengthen their teams ahead of new Regulatory requirements.
Business Analysts/Project Managers - Outside of the investment banks, the insurance industry has been active with wide-ranging IT projects designed to upgrade internal applications and infrastructure. Many of these projects are multi-year projects, so there has been an initial demand for Business Analysis and Project Management staff, though this is later likely to become a demand for more hands-on technical candidates in software and infrastructure.
Claim Adjusters - There is still high demand for both junior and experienced Claim Adjusters as it is a highly skilled job. Companies are always looking for good candidates that have potential.
Digital Marketing professionals - These professionals are in high demand. Consumer companies are heavily relying on online/digital marketing to generate their business leads and this is opening up more digital marketing opportunities.

Supply Chain Managers/Directors - The weakening of the yen is helping exports out of Japan, and with this trend strong SCM leaders are in high demand to optimize the overall supply chain operation.

Planning and Demand Forecasters - With the Japanese economy looking healthy for the mid-term due to the Bank of Japan’s aggressive 2% inflation policy, Planners and Forecasters are in high demand as corporations aim to take full advantage to keep sales and inventory at full capacity.

For the full list of skills in demand, please view our Hays Quarterly Hotspots.

Hays, the world’s leading recruiting experts in qualified, professional and skilled people.


